Non-Fungible Tokens.
Now you can claim your different favorite collectible pieces of Sean Benjamin’s music and music story. Different tokens will continually be added, so make sure to keep checking back! Sign up for email notifications when new tokens go live.
This first one I minted is the original album artwork for my album “I Exist” and I only minted the 1.
Obviously, don’t buy this NFT. It is not worth that much money. I priced it at the amount it would take to pay off my student loans as a joke. So, unless you’re Elon Musk or Bill Pulte or something, don’t buy it. I just wanted to learn how to do this, so I can do more in the future.
Seriously, it’s not even a good album cover. It doesn’t match what the music sounds like at all. Ten years later that still annoys the heck out of me.